Porn Video Sponsored by Brazzers

  • Added: 1 year ago
  • Duration: 8:00
  • Viewed: 1.1K

Cumming To Class

cumming to class porno video is created and produced by the best in the adult world content creator Brazzers. In this adult porn video role played by famous pornstar Jennifer White (as known as by Jen Allure / Carly Friedman), Jordi Polla.

Hot teacher Jennifer White is trying to get through a complicated lesson plan, but she and the class keep getting distracted by Jordi, who’s just cumming everywhere… his desk, his classmates’ notebooks, even the blackboard when Ms. White calls him up to solve an equation. The breaking point comes when Jordi tries to cum on Ms. White’s ass, while she's not looking. Ms. White realizes he’ll continue to be a nuisance until his cock is drained properly and proceeds to deal with him personally.

Channel: Brazzers